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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

Hamster Teaches Literacy

Jim Giles

Literacy has become a priority in Ontario schools: uninterrupted literacy blocks are now part of the daily timetable in many primary and junior classrooms.

Part I of It's Elementary

Barbara Richter

This is the first of a four-part history of Ontario public elementary teachers and their federations. We will learn about ETFO and its predecessor organizations, the challenges they faced and the victories they achieved.

Does Gender Matter?

Jerry DeQuetteville

Would Boys do Better in School if More of Their Teachers Were Men?

2006 ETFO Annual Meeting

The 2006 ETFO Annual Meeting was the first without elections.

Last year delegates decided to elect leaders for two-year terms;this year they spent four days focusing on Federation business.

No more couch potatoes

Catherine A. Cocchio

It’s spring and the playground at Chatham’s Queen Elizabeth II School is alive with the steady beat of jump ropes slapping the asphalt and the sounds of kids repeating age-old chants: “One potato, two potato, three potato, four…”

X, Y, BOOM! Generations at Work

Barbara Richter

“Those young people just don’t understand what we fought to achieve.”

“Those experienced teachers just want to talk about ‘the good old days.”

That’s the sound of generations colliding.

Student Vote

Johanna Brand

They were deeply involved in the federal election. They met the candidates. They researched party platforms and positions. They argued and debated.

Teaching for Deep Understanding

Kat McAdie and Ken Leithwood

Teaching for Deep Understanding is a call for curriculum reform in Ontario. It is our response to the concerns of our members about the Ontario curriculum. We hope our work provokes deep and thoughtful discussion about the Ontario curriculum that we need.

Une Culture, ca se Célèbre!

André Charlebois

Chaque élève qui se présente dans une classe de français langue seconde arrive avec un riche bagage culturel, prêt à être partagé avec la communauté scolaire. Il s’agit pour l’enseignante ou l’enseignant de puiser dans cette richesse culturelle que représentent ses élèves et de les motiver afin d’enrichir leurs interactions avec leurs camarades.