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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

Student Vote 04

Taylor Gunn

Two years ago, I became aware of an organization in the US named "Kids Voting USA." The operation aimed to build a habit of electoral participation among youth under the voting age in preparation for the time when they can vote. I was startled by the results. In some areas, student participation drove adult voting rates upwards of seven percent. Schools partnered with community newspapers, teachers invited community leaders into the classroom, and students became engaged.

Spelling: Connecting the Pieces

Ruth McQuirter Scott, Ed.D.

Spelling is one topic that never seems to leave the educational scene. Our attitudes toward the teaching of spelling shift back and forth depending on the prevailing educational philosophy of the day. As a result, there has been very little consistency in our instructional practices related to spelling.

Cultiver la confiance dans la classe de français

Andre Charlebois

Le travail en groupes dans la classe de fran cais langue seconde est une stratégie qui permet aux eleves de mettre en pratique le but premier de I'app ren tissa ge d'une langue : la comm un icatio . Tout comme le jeune enfant qui apprend chez a parler, la comm un ication orale est evidemment ce qui prime. Viennent ensuite les autres formes de commun ication sous la forme de lecture et d'écriture.

Energize Physical Education


According to a new study conducted by Ipsos-Reid on behalf of Today's Parent Magazine, 94 percent of Canadians agree that "the number of overweight and inactive children is a serious health issue in Canada today." As well, nine in ten Canadians agree that "provincial governments should make it mandatory for all students, from kindergarten to grade 12, to have at least 30 minutes of physical activity each school day," and eight in ten agree that "the influence of television/internet and video games on children is so powerful that it is difficult for parents to get their children to be more physically active."

ETFO Standing Committees

International Assistance Committee

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has 21 standing committees.

ETFO Scholarship and Bursary Winners

ETFO Voice

Aboriginal Women in Education Award - Women's Program
Sheri Jahner - Waterloo Region Teacher Local
Allison Nakogee - Moose Factory
Natalie Corkery - Kawartha Pine Ridge Teacher Local
Kimberly Cheena - Kingston

Teacher-led Professional Growth Through Lesson Study

Brian Harrison

The growing North American emphasis on standards and accountability has led many jurisdictions to rely on externally developed measures like standardized tests as the sole measure of student learning and school effectiveness.

Lesson Plan: Making Math Happen

Jennifer Paziuk

Making Math Happen in the Junior Years, a new release from ETFO, provides teachers with a vast array of ideas to incorporate into their math program. It is the second in ETFO's Making Math Happen series. In this issue of Voice, Jennifer Paziuk, one of the lead authors, describes the importance of communication in a successful math program. An excerpt from the curriculum provides further ideas.