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True Colours

Federico Carvajal

Federico Carvajal reflects on the Ford government’s flawed plan for school reopening in September.

Ten Tips for Distance Learning

Tara Zwolinski

After March break, educators across Ontario demonstrated their professionalism and expertise as they navigated emergency distance learning.

Latest Information on COVID-19

Tracie Edward

You don’t need to look far for the latest advice on how not to wear a mask or whether you need to wipe down your groceries, but it is important to rely on reputable organizations that review all the latest studies and not react to every new study that is reported.

Impermanent and Imperative

Courtney White

Courtney White anticipates the upcoming year as an occasional teacher in the context of COVID-19.

Continuing to Stand Together

Sam Hammond

As elementary educators in Ontario you have embarked on an unprecedented year, returning to your classrooms after a historic shutdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advocating for the Health & Safety

Sharon O’Halloran

With the beginning of the school year quickly approaching as I write this in the first days of September, ETFO is ever more mindful of how important it is to get school reopening right and to ensure health and safety of both educators and students.

From the Editor

Izida Zorde

With the fall issue of Voice, we are focussed on the safe reopening of schools and the ways in which we build community, particularly in these challenging times when the inequities that are always present, are laid bare.

Creating a New Normal

Catherine Oikawa

Catherine Oikawa considers the ways COVID-19 has impacted communities, and the feminist principles that help us chart a new way forward.

Advice from Our Grandmothers

Tanya C. Leary

Tanya C. Leary talks about how she can draw on a history of resilience to help chart her way forward and what legacies she wants to leave to her students.