Political Action
Engagement Through Elections
Bargaining ETFO Collective Agreements
The Time is Now
How Citizens Can Catalyze Change
Increasing Our Political Engagement
Planning a Rally
Michaela Kargus and Carolyn Proulx-Wootton offer practical tips for organizing in your community and bringing the issues to the attention of your MPP.
Labour Law Reform to the Classroom
Hayley Mezei writes about Bill 148 and organizing in her community to support residents who are fighting for decent and affordable housing.
Fighting Together
Felipe Pareja argues that you don’t have to look far for causes that would benefit from the involvement and activism of teachers.
“I Stand with My Union”
Participation in political rallies gives ETFO members an important opportunity to support their union’s bargaining position; it gives them a public voice on how contract provisions directly affect classroom working and learning conditions. ETFO members find themselves once again compelled to protest the government and employer stance at the bargaining table.