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Social Justice

Bringing Feminism to the Classroom

Stephanie Fearon

Stephanie Fearon reflects on developing feminist curriculum and using the arts to help students identify the strong women leaders and feminists in their communities.

Sisters in the Struggle

Angelique Cancino-Thompson

Angelique Cancino-Thompson considers how microaggressions affect women teachers, particularly those who are racialized, and what we can all do about it.

Teaching About Consent with #MeToo

Sarah-Jane Wells

Sarah-Jane Wells writes about the impact of the #MeToo movement on her students and on the ways in which we think and talk about consent.

Making Permanent Connections

Izida Zorde

Izida Zorde in conversation with Idle No More organizer, lawyer and Ryerson University Chair in Indigenous Governance, Pam Palmater.

Become a Gender Warrior Teacher

Melissa Major

Gender is not binary. If this is news to you, it’s not your fault. Many of us grew up with the understanding that there are men, there are women, and that is it. We had boy’s toys and girl’s toys. There were jobs men did and jobs women did.