Winter 2017
Teaching and Learning While Black; How to Become a Super Rad Gender Warrior Teaching Democracy with Student Vote; Interview: Indigenous Activist Pam Palmater
Oral Language at Your Fingertips
Ontario Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, 2016 (To order visit osla.on.ca) 141 pages, $40.00.
Maxine Trottier, illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault Groundwood Books, 2016 30 pages, $18.95.
Arctic Adventures: Tales From the Lives of Inuit Artists
Raquel Rivera, illustrated by Jirina Marton House of Anansi Press, 2007 47 pages, $18.95.
Viola Desmond Won’t Be Budged
Jody Nyasha Warner, illustrated by Richard Rudnicki Groundwook Books, 2016 32 Pages, 18.95.