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Dare to be Powerful

Toni Minichiello

Toni Minichiello reflects on how transformative women’s mentorship programs can be.

Creating a New Normal

Catherine Oikawa

Catherine Oikawa considers the ways COVID-19 has impacted communities, and the feminist principles that help us chart a new way forward.

Singing in Solidarity

Velvet Lacasse

Velvet Lacasse shows us how music can be a powerful tool for teaching social justice.

The Power of ETFO Women’s Programs

Sharon Ethier

Balancing a home and a career was difficult and left little time for my own learning, but through networking and involvement in ETFO and its women’s programs, many of those barriers were removed.

Persevering Through the Challenges

Sam Hammond

The 2019-2020 school year was one for the history books. We started the year bargaining with a Conservative government determined to make massive cuts to public education and ended with a global pandemic and our members having to adjust to emergency distance learning over the course of just a couple of weeks.

Building an Equitable Future

Sharon O’Halloran

The summer issue of Voice is always our Women’s Issue. It is an opportunity to recognize the achievements of women members, to talk about the value and impact of mentorship and women’s programs and to acknowledge both how far we have come as an organization and an advocate for social change, and how far we have yet to go.