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Teaching Resource

Gentle Teaching

Alannah Mcgregor and Avery Gray
Alannah McGregor and Avery Gray reflect on teaching skills that help children better regulate their behaviour.

Technology and the Post Pandemic Era

Beverly Fiddler and Michael Clarke

When the 2019-2020 school year began, ETFO members braced for labour unrest that had not been seen since the Mike Harris days. Who could have predicted the events in early March 2020? Pivoting to a distance learning model was unchartered territory for educators.

Supporting Learners Resources

Karen Devonish-Mazzotta

Karen Devonish-Mazzotta offers tips for ensuring the resources we share are culturally relevant and responsive, particularly when relying on resources that are found online.

Virtual Field Trips

Julie Millan and Leah Kearney

Julie Millan and Leah Kearney have put together a great list of free virtual field trips to explore everything from glaciers and volcanoes to Canada’s history of residential schools.

From the Editor

Izida Zorde

There is no doubt that this teaching year is unlike any other we have had, with educators both adapting to teaching in a pandemic and advocating for public schools and students.

Student Vote

Lindsay Mazzuco (Introduction)

We hear from members across the province about why they run parallel elections in their classrooms with Student Vote.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Twyla Jackson

Twyla Jackson writes about coping with child and youth mental health challenges in our classrooms and her group work on a resource that partnered ETFO with School Mental Health Assist.