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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

Experienced Players Hooked on Challenge of Negotiations

Catherine A. Cocchio

Like many other ETFO leaders, Julie Stanley brings years of experience to her position as chief negotiator for the Bluewater Teacher Local. Stanley is typical of a unique group of experienced women negotiators leading collective bargaining teams across the province.

Assessment Strategies that Work

Allison Campbell

In The Last Lecture, college professor Randy Pausch writes that for him the “number one goal [of education] was this: I wanted to help students learn how to judge themselves . . . In the end, educators best serve students by helping them be more self-reflective.”

EQAO In Our Schools: Members Speak out

Johanna Brand

ETFO commissioned Environics to survey members in November. Environics also polled Ontario parents and the public for the Ontario Teachers’ Federation. EQAO testing was one of many topics covered in focus groups that Stratcom conducted for the Elementary Teachers of Toronto Local.

Campaign Against EQAO Launched

Johanna Brand

ETFO launched its campaign against province wide testing at the Representative Council meeting in February.

Representative Council brings together local presidents and leaders from around the province.

Our School Drum: Building Community and Relationships

Jenny Pert, Melissa Ewanchuck, Michael Boos

Back at school Jenny presented the idea of creating a school drum to the school staff. The timing could not have been better. ETFO had selected Sioux Mountain Public School to participate in the “Danny Schools” project. It provided funds and teacher release time to help schools develop and implement strategies to strengthen relationships in the school community and ultimately improve student learning.

Embracing Teacher-Directed Professional Learning

Terri Howell, Mary Spring

It’s the third Wednesday of the month almost 4 p.m. After a busy day at work teachers are heading out the door, to pursue their own learning. They converge at Spruce Glen Public School in Huntsville to share the fine art of teaching writing.