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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Vivian McCaffrey

The fight against teacher recertification will only be won at the political level and with the support of strong, collective action on the part of teachers across the province.

High Stakes Testing for Dentists? What Dentists and Teachers Have in Common

John S. Taylor

Last spring at the Project-Based Learning Conference, Kids Who Know and Do, keynote speaker Linda Darling-Hammond retold the following story by John S. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools in the Lancaster County School District in South Carolina. In a room full of 5,000 educators, you could have heard a pin drop. Of course, during the witty dialogue and the ironic parts, outbursts of laughter filled the room.

ETFO Meets Wayson Choy

Charlotte Morgan

"Never underestimate the power of story," author Wayson Choy told ETFO's provincial and local leaders at the February 2002 Representative Council meeting.

WebQuests: The Solution to Internet-Curriculum Integration

Ruth Kohut

Four young faces, side by side, stare at the computer monitor. Occasionally, they point at the screen, jot notes, discuss new information and debate. This is the image of involved, interested and integrated learning for which we all strive.

Literacy Links... Generations of Readers Ioaether

Seema Mehta

There is an old African proverb that has become universal in the world of education. This slogan has been adopted into the pedagogy of our profession and provides a moral basis for our workings.

Book & Backpack

Jim Giles

Home and school partnerships that keep going and going...

The Silver Birch Reading Award Program: The Children's Choice

Jacqui Shields and Cathie Rose

As teacher-librarians, we collaborate with our classroom teachers to identify students who are reading at an independent level, and who could benefit from an enriched reading program. One such program is the Ontario Library Association’s Silver Birch Reading Award.

L'intérgration de la technologie

Tania Sterling

Motiver des élèves de français cadre, niveau intermédiaire, n’est pas chose facile. Or la technologie s’avère un des meilleurs outils pour y parvenir. Après les succès obtenus dans mes classes, je me suis aperçue qu’il existait en fait un grand nombre de possibilités quant aux façons d’intégrer la technologie.