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Representation in the "Great White North"

Colleen Elep and Chad Mills consider why diverse representations of the outdoors matter and what educators can do to make sure they are inclusive of all their students.

Precarity in Occasional Teaching

Amanda Anderson

Amanda Anderson describes the realities of occasional teaching, including not being able to plan, never being away from her phone and confronting the catch 22 of whether or not to look for a second job.

Ontario's Austerity Agenda

Vivian McCaffrey

Vivian McCaffrey looks at the results of austerity measures introduced in Ontario half a decade ago.

Progressive Discipline

Wendy Goodes

Wendy Goodes considers the impact of the austerity agenda on violence in the classroom.

Fighting Together

Felipe Pareja

Felipe Pareja argues that you don’t have to look far for causes that would benefit from the involvement and activism of teachers.