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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

A Water Wake-Up Call

Sarah Lowes

Sarah Lowes shares a wealth of resources and ideas for teaching about the protection of water and the environment.

Food for Thought

Carmen Oliveira

Carmen Oliveira reflects on teaching her students about food security, sustainability and health through her school garden.

Making Permanent Connections

Izida Zorde

Izida Zorde in conversation with Idle No More organizer, lawyer and Ryerson University Chair in Indigenous Governance, Pam Palmater.

Become a Gender Warrior Teacher

Melissa Major

Gender is not binary. If this is news to you, it’s not your fault. Many of us grew up with the understanding that there are men, there are women, and that is it. We had boy’s toys and girl’s toys. There were jobs men did and jobs women did.

Student Vote

Lindsay Mazzuco (Introduction)

We hear from members across the province about why they run parallel elections in their classrooms with Student Vote.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Twyla Jackson

Twyla Jackson writes about coping with child and youth mental health challenges in our classrooms and her group work on a resource that partnered ETFO with School Mental Health Assist.