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Reflecting on Women's History of ETFO at ASWR

An excerpt from a panel discussion featuring four ETFO women trailblazers, originally recorded at this year’s …and still we rise conference.

Reading Choice is Reading Engagement

Diana Maliszewski

In 2011, the advocacy group People for Education published a startling report called Reading for Joy. The study, which is downloadable at, revealed that there has been a dramatic decline in students who report that they like to read.

Write to Give

Amy Dow McLaren

In the tiny community of Jarvis, Ontario, children from the grade 1 class of Jarvis Public School huddle in small groups to discuss a story they are creating together.

Building Community, Building Success

Rosemary Renton, Jim Giles

Late last spring, our principal announced to the staff that we were going to offer a free field trip to every student in our school. She told teachers to plan a one-day, curriculum-related field trip, anywhere we wanted.

Toys as Tools: Using E-Games for Learning

Jeffery MacCormack

My daughters were supposed to be doing their homework, but I heard too much giggling not to be suspicious. Homework is not supposed to be giggly. Then, from down the hallway, I heard snippets of the following conversation: “I used fences for teeth. Come see how it looks” … “Hold on a second.

From One Tiny Seed: Growing With Our Butterfly Garden

Lotje Hives

It all began with one tiny seed. An outdoor hike to the nearby trail guided by Dale, the school’s environmental mentor from the community conservation authority, uncovered the gifts that nature brings as summer magically transitions into fall.

It's the Small Things that Matter Most

David Stocker

On June 14 2013, City View Alternative Senior School in Toronto's West End became the first grade 7 and 8 school in North America to proactively establish a multi stall all-gender washroom. This is the story of our six month journey.

Student Vote: Making Democracy a Habit

Mandi Hardy

June 2, 1997, was a memorable day for me. It was the date of Canada’s 36th general federal election and it was the first time I had ever voted. I haven’t missed an election since, although my enthusiasm is not reflective of most voters.