A Vote for Our Schools and Our Future Lisa Mastrobuono After a frustrating year of bargaining, ETFO is asking members for a strong strike mandate.
Standing Firm Against Hate Melissa Sky Melissa Sky implores 2SLGBTQ+ allies to stand in solidarity with rainbow colleagues and students in the face of rising violence and hate towards the community.
Understanding Climate Change and Bringing Advocacy, Art and Indigenous Wisdom Into the Classroom Mika Gang Mika Gang reflects on teaching her students to be active citizens and stewards of the earth.
From English Language Learner to Multilingual Learner Colleen Elep Colleen Elep considers the need to change the narrative towards an asset-based perspective of multilingual learners.
Government's Anti-Work Agenda Targets Women Sheila Block CCPA senior economist Sheila Block writes that the Ford Government’s labour policies target women workers.
If Not Me, Then Who? Deborah St Amant Deborah St Amant reflects on her leadership journey as an educator and an Indigenous woman within ETFO.
Forging Confident New Pathways for Girls in STEAM Tina Surdivall Tina Surdivall considers why representation matters when teaching all students, but particularly girls, STEAM subjects.
Elevating Diverse Women's Voices in Canadian History Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon encourages educators to learn about and centre the voices of diverse women in Canadian history.