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Gentle Teaching

Alannah McGregor and Avery Gray reflect on teaching skills that help children better regulate their behaviour.

Engagement Through Elections

Christina Heyding
Christina Heyding considers how the last provincial election helped her teach her primary students about being engaged citizens.

Building Bridges

Patrick Mascoe
Patrick Mascoe reflects on the importance of Holocaust education and the power of sharing survivors stories.

Addressing Poverty in Elementary Schools

Megan Perry

ETFO podcast Elementary: A Podcast from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario addresses issues of importance for ETFO members. Many teachers and education workers are faced with issues of poverty in their classrooms.

ETFO Bargaining Goals

Heather Aggus

ETFO develops bargaining goals for each round of collective bargaining for its teacher, occasional teacher, Designated Early Childhood Educator, Education Support Personnel and Professional Support Personnel members.

Cultivating Black Girls' E.S.T.E.E.M.

ETFO Voice
Stephanie Fearon speaks with Black E.S.T.E.E.M. founder and President Shayle Graham about her work creating STEM spaces beyond the classroom.

Embracing Pluralism

Shamim Murji
Shamim Murji reflects on how an anti-racist and anti-Islamophobia curriculum can create an inclusive classroom.